Presentación de la Fase 1 a la comunidad de Poptún. Foto: Asociación AMA.
Project Name:
Actívate Joven Mujer Phase I & II (2014 - 2015)
Start Date: Mar/2014
End date: Dec/2015
550 volunteers
Project Description:
El proyecto “Actívate Joven Mujer” Fase I y Fase II se ejecutó en 4 municipios del Sur de Petén (San Luis, Poptún, Dolores y El Chal) durante los años 2014 y 2015. En estos municipios el 67% de la población total está constituida por gente joven, de los cuales la mayoría viven en comunidades rurales Maya Q’eqchí y en condiciones de pobreza y extrema pobreza.
The project promoted citizen participation and strengthened the knowledge of young women in Petén about their sexual and reproductive rights in order to prevent early pregnancies.
Para alcanzar el objetivo se desarrollaron tres componentes el primero se centra en la incidencia política a través del desarrollo de 60 emisiones del programa de radio bilingüe Español-Maya Q’eqchí “Actívate Joven Mujer” (30 emisiones por año). El programa fue dirigido a la población en general en su mismo idioma, haciendo incidencia para erradicar las desigualdades que viven las niñas y mujeres, y fue transmitido por la Radio U’tan Kaj “La Voz del Pueblo”.
This component also included the development of two Municipal Youth Forums with mayoral candidates "+ Facts - Promises", which were held to promote the democratic participation of young women and to empower them in the government plans of the mayoral candidates of the municipality of Poptún, Petén.
El segundo componente se refirió al aumento de capacidades a través del desarrollo de 5 Campamentos Feministas “Liderazgo Feminista como Herramienta para la Prevención de Embarazos a Temprana Edad”.
En estos campamentos participaran las 50 jóvenes lideresas voluntarias Maya Q’eqchí y Ladinas de la Asociación AMA, provenientes de los municipios de San Luis, Poptún, Dolores y El Chal, Petén, quienes fortalecieron sus aptitudes de liderazgo y sobre la importancia de acceso y ejercicio de la salud sexual y reproductiva, prevención de la violencia, interculturalidad y participación democrática.
Luego de los campamentos las voluntarias trasladaron los conocimiento aprendidos a 500 adolescentes de su comunidad de origen, ya que cada uno lo replico con 10 adolescentes, lo cual realizaron a través de réplicas de campo, lo que realizaron en el idioma materno Maya Q’eqchí para el caso de las indígenas.
The third component focused on the importance of raising awareness among adolescents and young people about responsible sexuality with the active participation of the different institutions and organizations present in Southern Petén.
Por tal razón se realizaron 3 Festivales Juveniles “Ventanas Abiertas para la Juventud” enfocados a la prevención de los embarazos a temprana edad y consistieron en el abordaje intensivo directo con las y los jóvenes de centros educativos de nivel secundario y diversificado del área urbana en 3 municipios del sur de Petén (San Luis, Poptún y Dolores)
The festivals were held in the social hall of each municipality, where each participating organization set up two meters of wall, a table, and two plastic chairs, where they placed demonstration areas with information related to the project and institutional themes, such as tri-folds, photographs, magazines, and an educational message to the youth about the importance of preventing early pregnancies and the participation of women.
Activities 2014 - 2015
Direct beneficiaries:
- 3,000 adolescents and youth of the Maya Q'eqchí and Mestizos from rural communities in the municipalities of San Luis, Poptún, Dolores and El Chal, Petén during 2014.
- 14,000 adolescents and youth of the Maya Q'eqchí and Mestizos of rural communities in the municipalities 14 municipalities of the department of Petén during 2015.
Indirect beneficiaries:
- 7,000 Maya Q'eqchí and Mestizo children and parents from rural communities in the municipalities of San Luis, Poptún, Dolores and El Chal, Petén during 2014.
- 17,000 children and parents of Maya Q'eqchí and Mestizo families in rural communities of the 14 municipalities of the department of Petén during 2015.
Direct beneficiaries:
- 7,000 young women in the municipality of Poptún during 2015.
Indirect beneficiaries:
- 9,000 children and adolescents in the municipality of Poptún during 2015.
Direct beneficiaries:
- 220 Maya Q'eqchí and Mestizo adolescents and youth from rural communities in the municipalities of San Luis, Poptún, Dolores and El Chal, Petén during 2014.
- 330 Maya Q'eqchí and Mestizo adolescents and youth from rural communities in the municipalities of San Luis, Poptún, Dolores and El Chal, Petén during 2015.
Indirect beneficiaries:
- 500 Maya Q'eqchí and Mestizo adolescents and youth from rural communities in the municipalities of San Luis, Poptún, Dolores and El Chal, Petén during 2014.
- 650 Maya Q'eqchí and Mestizo adolescents and youth from rural communities in the municipalities of San Luis, Poptún, Dolores and El Chal, Petén during 2015.
Direct beneficiaries:
- 2100 adolescents and young people from middle and hight school in the municipalities of San Luis, Poptún and Dolores, Petén during 2014.
Indirect beneficiaries:
- 6,000 adolescents and young people from secondary and diversified schools in the municipalities of San Luis, Poptún and Dolores, Petén during 2014.
Project implementation 2014-2015
The project "Actívate Joven Mujer" Phase I and Phase II was implemented in four municipalities in southern Petén (San Luis, Poptún, Dolores and El Chal) during 2014 and 2015. This project aimed to promote citizen participation and strengthen the knowledge of young women in Petén about their sexual and reproductive rights in order to prevent early pregnancies.
To achieve the objective, the following activities were implemented:
A1. 60 Emisiones del programa de radio bilingüe Español-Maya Q’eqchí “Actívate Joven Mujer”.
Se llevaron a cabo 60 Emisiones del programa de radio bilingüe Español-Maya Q’eqchí “Actívate Joven Mujer”, durante las dos fases del proyecto (30 por fase) y tuvo como objetivo informar, sensibilizar y educar a las mujeres jóvenes sobre la importancia de ejercer una sexualidad responsable, participar activamente en los espacios de dialogo y participación democrática, prevención de la violencia e la igualdad de género, para fomentar la prevención de embarazos en niñas, adolescentes y mujeres jóvenes.
The program is broadcast in bilingual Spanish-Maya Q'eqchí. This program is aimed especially at young indigenous women in rural communities, with poverty rates, difficult access, and where the main or only means of communication is the radio.
The program was broadcast as an open forum by the community radio station U'tan Kaj 106.9 FM, which belongs to the Apostolic Vicariate of Petén and has coverage in indigenous and mestizo communities in the departments of Petén, Izabal, Alta and Baja Verapaz, Quiche, and Huehuetenango, representing more than 1 million listeners and an audience of 180,000 people, according to its audience survey.
A2. Two Municipal Youth Forums with Mayoral Candidates "+ Facts - Promises"
Two Municipal Youth Forums with Mayoral Candidates "+ Facts - Promises" were held with candidates for mayor of the municipality of Poptún, Petén, so that young women could learn about municipal development plans to address the problems faced by Poptún women.
The first forum was attended by all the candidates, who presented their plans for the municipal government to more than 1,000 young women, representatives of women's organizations, and political parties.
At the end of the forum, all candidates signed a public commitment on the implementation of their plan upon winning the elections and also a list of demands proposed by AMA Association, Mujeres Ixquik Association, Global Humanitaria, Adecop Itzam, and other civil organizations.
The second forum was attended by the mayor-elect and his honorable municipal corporation, who ratified the commitments made at the first forum and pledged to hold an open town hall meeting to report on the progress made during his first year in office.
A3. 5 Campamentos Feministas “Liderazgo Feminista como Herramienta para la Prevención de Embarazos a Temprana Edad”.
El segundo componente del proyecto se refirió al aumento de capacidades a través del desarrollo de 5 Campamentos Feministas “Liderazgo Feminista como Herramienta para la Prevención de Embarazos a Temprana Edad” (3 campamentos el primer año y dos en segundo).
50 young Maya Q'eqchí and Mestiza volunteer leaders of the AMA Association, between 14 and 29 years of age, from the municipalities of San Luis, Poptún, Dolores, and El Chal, Petén, participated in the camps.
The camps focused on leadership, democratic participation, gender equality, responsible sexuality, and prevention of sexual violence, and were developed using the inductive-deductive methodology of "learning by doing" and content multiplication.
Luego de los campamentos las voluntarias trasladaron los conocimiento aprendidos a 500 adolescentes de su comunidad de origen, ya que cada uno lo replico con 10 adolescentes, lo cual realizaron a través de réplicas de campo, lo que realizaron en el idioma materno Maya Q’eqchí para el caso de las indígenas.
A4. Three Youth Festivals "Open Windows for Youth".
In order to raise awareness among adolescent girls and young women about responsible sexuality and gender equality, three Youth Festivals "Open Windows for Youth" focused on the prevention of pregnancies among girls and adolescents.
The festivals were attended by 6,000 adolescents and young people from elementary and middle schools in the municipalities of San Luis, Poptún and Dolores, Petén, and various institutions and organizations with a presence in southern Petén.
The participating institutions provided information to adolescents and young people at a stand on their institutional work and the importance of preventing pregnancies in girls and adolescents, learning about responsible sexuality, preventing sexual violence, sexually transmitted infections including HIV/AIDS and gender equality.
Participating institutions include: Public Health Area Directorate, National Sexual and Reproductive Health Program, Health Districts, TAN UXIL Association, Office of the Defence of Indigenous Women, Municipal Women's Offices, Global Humanitaria, Office of the Human Rights Ombudsman , APROFAM, Secretariat against violence, exploitation and human trafficking, CONAP, SEGEPLAN, among others.
- 19,650 adolescents and young people practice responsible sexuality, which allows them to achieve their life plans and avoid harmful practices such as early pregnancies, sexual violence, and sexually transmitted infections, including HIV/AIDS.
- 7,000 young women in the municipality of Poptún benefited from the Municipal Government Plan to address the problems that affect them.
In 2014, the department of Petén had the highest rate of pregnancies in girls and adolescents between 10 and 14 years of age, with 756 pregnancies.
During 2015, there was a 12% decrease in pregnancies in girls and adolescents between 10 and 14 years of age in the municipalities of Southern Petén. This is according to the sexual and reproductive health situation room of the South East Petén Health Area.
In 2015, no maternal deaths in adolescents were recorded in the municipalities of Southern Petén. This according to the sexual and reproductive health situation room of the South East Petén Health Area.