Project Name:

Strengthening and advocacy of municipal networks for the protection of children and adolescents in the department of Petén, Guatemala (2018-2019).

Start Date: Oct/2018

End date: Sep/2019

8 OMPNA offices created

Project Description:

With the project "Strengthening and political advocacy of municipal networks for the protection of children and adolescents in the department of Petén, Guatemala", the political and strategic advocacy of the Municipal Networks for the Protection of Children and Adolescents was strengthened through dialogue processes and good practices and capacity building of the coordinators and assistants of the Municipal Networks and Offices for the Protection of Children and Adolescents -OMPNA- and political advocacy was carried out to follow up on the 2019 strategic plan and the permanence of these offices in eight municipalities of the department of Petén: San Luis, Poptún, Dolores, El Chal, Santa Ana, San Benito, San Francisco and Sayaxché, Petén, for the municipal period 2020-2024.

Two components were carried out, the first referred to dialogue and advocacy through which eight meetings were held to strengthen the municipal networks for the protection of children and adolescents in the department of Petén, in order to continue with the 2019 Strategic Plan and jointly advocate for the continuity and permanence of the Municipal Offices for the Protection of Children and Adolescents -OMPNA- 2020-2024. Translated with (free version)

The Networks were established to carry out prevention, awareness, training, and management actions, among others, in support of OMPNA and integrated in a multisectoral manner and based on the Law for the Integral Protection of Children and Adolescents -PINA- and the Guatemalan Municipal Code, and have requested mentoring support from AMA Association.

The second component focused on capacity building of the coordinators and assistants of the Municipal Networks and Offices for the Protection of Children and Adolescents -OMPNA-, for which three interactive training camps were held, which addressed issues related to advocacy, project management, development of development plans, sexual and reproductive rights, prevention of pregnancy and sexual violence in girls and adolescents, the importance of the inclusion of adolescent girls with disabilities, a trilogy of laws of S. O.S. Women: 1) Law against sexual violence, exploitation, and trafficking in persons, 2) Law to prevent, punish and eradicate domestic violence and the 3) Law against femicide and other forms of violence against women, as well as the Law on Urban and Rural Development Councils.

The camps were developed by the technical team of AMA Association, the Adolescent Component of the National Sexual and Reproductive Health Program of the Petén South East Health Area Directorate, the Auxiliary of the Human Rights Ombudsman's Office -PDH- and the General Secretariat of Planning and Programming -SEGEPLAN- and lasted a day and a half of training and interactive training.

The Municipal Offices for the Protection of Children and Adolescents -OMPNA- are municipal spaces aimed at the prevention of violence and guidance on the rights of children and adolescents. They also provide attention, detection, referral, and follow-up of cases of children and adolescents whose rights have been violated.

2018- 2019 Activities

Direct beneficiaries:

        • 240 officials from the Municipal Offices for the Protection of Children and Adolescents and from the institutions and organizations that within the network in the municipalities of San Luis, Poptún, Dolores, El Chal, Santa Ana, San Benito, San Francisco and Sayaxché, Petén.

Indirect beneficiaries:

        • 24,000 adolescent girls who benefited from the actions of the 2019 Strategic Plans implemented by the Networks in the municipalities of San Luis, Poptún, Dolores, El Chal, Santa Ana, San Benito, San Francisco, and Sayaxché, Petén.

Direct beneficiaries:

        • 16 Coordinators and Assistants of the Municipal Networks and Offices for the Protection of Children and Adolescents -OMPNA-, from the municipalities of San Luis, Poptún, Dolores, El Chal, Santa Ana, San Benito, San Francisco, and Sayaxché, Petén.

Indirect beneficiaries:

        • 9,600 adolescent girls benefited from the strengthening of the capacities of the Coordinators and Assistants of the Municipal Networks and Offices for the Protection of Children and Adolescents -OMPNA- in the municipalities of San Luis, Poptún, Dolores, El Chal, Santa Ana, San Benito, San Francisco and Sayaxché, Petén, through activities implemented for attention, prevention and assistance.

2018-2019 Project implementation

Through the project "Strengthening and political advocacy of the municipal networks for the protection of children and adolescents in the department of Petén, Guatemala", the political and strategic advocacy of the Municipal Networks for the Protection of Children and Adolescents was strengthened. Processes of dialogue, good practices and capacity building of the coordinators and assistants of the Municipal Networks and Offices for the Protection of Children and Adolescents -OMPNA- were carried out. Political influence was exerted to follow up on the 2019 Strategic Plan and the permanence of these offices in eight municipalities in the department of Petén: San Luis, Poptún, Dolores, El Chal, Santa Ana, San Benito, San Francisco and Sayaxché, Petén, for the 2020-2024 municipal period.

To achieve the objective, the following activities were implemented:

Through the project "Strengthening and political advocacy of the municipal networks for the protection of children and adolescents in the department of Petén, Guatemala", the political and strategic advocacy of the Municipal Networks for the Protection of Children and Adolescents was strengthened. Processes of dialogue, good practices and capacity building of the coordinators and assistants of the Municipal Networks and Offices for the Protection of Children and Adolescents -OMPNA- were carried out. Political influence was exerted to follow up on the 2019 Strategic Plan and the permanence of these offices in eight municipalities in the department of Petén: San Luis, Poptún, Dolores, El Chal, Santa Ana, San Benito, San Francisco and Sayaxché, Petén, for the 2020-2024 municipal period.

To achieve the objective, the following activities were implemented:


A1. Eight meetings of eight Municipal Networks for the Protection of Children and Adolescents of Petén. (2018-2019)

Eight meetings of eight Municipal Networks for the Protection of Children and Adolescents of Petén were held in the municipalities of San Luis, Poptún, Dolores, El Chal, Santa Ana, San Benito, San Francisco, and Sayaxché, Petén, with the participation of officials of the Municipal Offices for the Protection of Children and Adolescents -OMPNA- and institutions and organizations with a presence in each municipality such as the Ministry of Social Development, Human Rights Ombudsman's Office, Ombudsman for Indigenous Women, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education, Public Ministry, National Civil Police, Global Humanitaria, Tan Uxil, Action for Healthy Living, media, among others.

Through meetings, integration, Annual Strategic Plan 2019 and the dialogue and advocacy of the eight Municipal Networks for the Protection of Children and Adolescents of Petén were strengthened, thus integrating a better and more strategic and multisectoral response to the high rate of pregnancies and sexual violence in the department of Petén.

This is due to the fact that the networks began to be formed during 2018 and their actions were still weak, and in addition, pregnancies and sexual violence continue to be a public health problem in Guatemala and the response from the State continues to be poor.

Therefore, the strengthening of the networks provided the ideal platform to provide a multisectoral response at the local level and with the full participation of local governments to the various problems experienced by girls and adolescents in Petén.


A2. Three interactive training camps for the Coordinators and Assistants of the Municipal Networks and Offices for the Protection of Children and Adolescents -OMPNA- (2019).

Three interactive training camps were held for the Coordinators and Assistants of the Municipal Networks and Offices for the Protection of Children and Adolescents -OMPNA- in the municipalities of San Luis, Poptún, Dolores, El Chal, Santa Ana, San Benito, San Francisco, and Sayaxché, Petén.

The camps lasted a day and a half and were held in the municipality of Poptún, Petén, with the objective of increasing the technical capacities of the coordinators and assistants of the Municipal Networks and Offices for the Protection of Children and Adolescents -OMPNA-, so that they can provide a greater and better response to the demands of Petén's children and adolescents.

Likewise, with the transfer of capacities, they were provided with the tools to carry out project management and develop in a better way the processes of dialogue and political incidence that they will lead in the Networks and before the Local Governments so that in the local development budgets the necessary operative resources for the work will be assigned to them.

During the camps, topics related to political advocacy, project management, development of development plans, sexual and reproductive rights, prevention of pregnancies and sexual violence in girls and adolescents, the importance of the inclusion of adolescent girls with disabilities, trilogy of laws of S.O.S. Women: Law against sexual violence, exploitation, and trafficking in persons, Law to prevent, punish and eradicate domestic violence and the Law against femicide and other forms of violence against women, as well as the Law of Urban and Rural Development Councils, were developed.

In order for the coordinators and assistants of the OMPNA's to value the importance of the inclusion of adolescent girls with disabilities within the Strategic Plans and thus incorporate them as a vulnerable population in conditions within the population they serve, an adapted wheelchair basketball game was developed, which was conducted in partnership with the Municipal Office of Attention to Persons with Disabilities of the municipality of Poptún, Petén.

The camps were developed by the technical team of AMA Association, the Adolescent Component of the National Sexual and Reproductive Health Program of the Petén South East Health Area Directorate, the Auxiliary of the Human Rights Ombudsman's Office -PDH- and the General Secretariat of Planning and Programming -SEGEPLAN.

  • Eight Municipal Networks for the Protection of Children and Adolescents in Petén strengthened their integration and the implementation of strategic plans.
  • 16 coordinators and assistants of the Networks and Municipal Offices for the Protection of Children and Adolescents -OMPNA-, strengthened their capacities, allowing them to better carry out actions for the protection of children and adolescents in Petén.
  • 24,000 adolescent girls who benefited from the actions of the 2019 Strategic Plans implemented by the Networks in the municipalities of San Luis, Poptún, Dolores, El Chal, Santa Ana, San Benito, San Francisco, and Sayaxché, Petén.
  • 9,600 adolescent girls benefited from the strengthening of the capacities of the Coordinators and Assistants of the Networks and Municipal Offices for the Protection of Children and Adolescents -OMPNA- in the municipalities of San Luis, Poptún, Dolores, El Chal, Santa Ana, San Benito, San Francisco, and Sayaxché, Petén, through the care, prevention and assistance activities they carried out.

In 2018, the Strategic Plans of the Municipal Networks for the Protection of Children and Adolescents did not include actions to prevent sexual violence and pregnancies in girls and adolescents.

During 2019, seven new Municipal Offices for the Protection of Children and Adolescents were created in the department of Petén.

The donor who funded this project

as part of the collective


Photo Gallery 2018-2019

Video of the program "Strengthening and advocacy of municipal networks for the protection of children and adolescents in the department of Petén, Guatemala".