Project Name:

Organizational strengthening as a strategy for the defense of young women's rights in southern Petén, Phase I and II (2016 and 2017).

Start date: Mar/2016

End date: Nov/2017

440 volunteers

Project Description:

The project "Organizational strengthening as a strategy for the defense of the rights of young women in southern Petén", Phase I and II, implemented during 2016 and 2017, strengthened the democratic and political participation of 40 Maya Q'eqchí and Mestiza youth volunteer leaders of the AMA Association, aged between 16 and 30 years old, from 15 communities and eight marginal urban areas of the municipalities of San Luis, Poptún, Dolores and El Chal, Petén, through the transfer of capacities for the promotion and defense of human and political rights and sexual and reproductive rights for the effective prevention of pregnancies and sexual violence in girls and adolescents in Southern Petén, Guatemala.

To achieve the objective, four components were implemented. The first one referred to the organizational strengthening of AMA, through its legal constitution, as a strategy for the promotion and defense of young women's rights.

The second component contemplated the strengthening of democratic participation and political advocacy of women and youth, as a follow-up to the commitments made by the 2016-2020 elected municipal corporation of Poptún, Petén, during the I Municipal Youth Forum "+ Facts - Promises 2015" with mayoral candidates of that municipality, the Actívate Joven Mujer II project and the formation of the Technical Committee "Prevent with Education" District of the Southeast of Petén.

The third component focused on an exchange of experiences between AMA's volunteer youth leaders and youth groups from other departments of the country, in order to share best practices on how to carry out social advocacy, obstacles, and achievements, as well as the support received in the process.

The project was supported by local partners. Global Humanitaria, Radio U'tan Kaj, the Human Rights Ombudsman's Office, the Health Program of the San Pedro Mártir de Verona Parish, the Petén Ixquik Women's Association, the municipality of Poptún and youth and university organizations, and was financed by the Central American Women's Fund -FCAM-.

The fourth component was aimed at increasing the capacities of 40 AMA Association youth volunteers between the ages of 16 and 29 from 12 Maya Q'eqchí and Mestizo communities in the municipalities of San Luis, Poptún, Dolores and El Chal, Petén, through the development of two environmental education youth camps and a reforestation project.

Activities 2016 - 2017

Direct beneficiaries:

        • 40 volunteer Maya Q'eqchí and Mestiza youth leaders of the AMA Association.
        • Seven volunteer youth leaders from AMA Association.
        • Three representatives of Global Humanitaria Guatemala, and Radio U'tan Kaj.

Indirect beneficiaries:

        • 25,000 adolescents and youth from the municipalities of Southern Petén, benefit from the programs and projects implemented by AMA Association.
        • 17,000 children and parents of Maya Q'eqchí and Mestizo families in rural communities of the 14 municipalities of the department of Petén during 2015.

Direct beneficiaries:

        • 10 Maya Q'eqchí and Mestiza volunteer youth leaders of the AMA Association.
        • 15 volunteer leaders and youth leaders from the Municipal Women's Office and the Municipal Youth Office of the Municipality of Poptún.
        • Six women leaders representing civil society organizations participated in the first "+ Facts - Promises 2015" Forum.

Indirect beneficiaries:

        • 13,000 adolescents, young people and women in the municipality of Poptún, who benefited from the inclusion of activities in the municipal development agenda.

Direct beneficiaries:

        • 10 volunteer youth leaders of the Association.
        • 10 women youth leaders of the ALAS organization in Cobán, Alta Verapaz.

Indirect beneficiaries:

        • 2,000 adolescent girls and young people from southern Petén and Coban, Alta Verapaz, who benefited from the new actions to be carried out after the exchange of best practices.

Direct beneficiaries:

        • 20 representatives from Global Humanitaria, Mujeres Ixquik, Municipal Women's Offices and the Health and Education Districts of the Petén Sur Oriente Health Area.

Indirect beneficiaries:

        • 40,000 adolescent girls and young people from the municipalities of southern Petén, who benefited from educational activities for the prevention of pregnancy, sexual violence, and the inclusion of comprehensive sexuality education in the elementary education schools through the Technical Committee "Prevent with Education" of the southeastern district of Petén.

Direct beneficiaries:

        • 40 volunteer youth leaders of AMA Association, between the ages of 16 and 29, from 12 Maya Q'eqchí and Mestizo communities in the municipalities of San Luis, Poptún, Dolores, and El Chal, Petén.

Indirect beneficiaries:

        • 400 adolescent girls and young women who received the field workshops conducted by the 40 volunteer Maya Q'eqchí and Mestiza youth leaders of the AMA Association, after the youth camps on environmental education.

2016-2017 Project implementation

The project "Organizational strengthening as a strategy for the defense of the rights of young women in southern Petén", Phase I and II, implemented during 2016 and 2017. This project strengthened the democratic and political participation of 40 Maya Q'eqchí and Mestiza volunteer youth leaders of the AMA Association, between 16 and 30 years of age, from 15 communities and eight marginal urban areas of the municipalities of San Luís, Poptún, Dolores and El Chal, Petén, through the transfer of capacities for the promotion and defense of human, political, sexual and reproductive rights of adolescents, women and youth of Southern Petén, Guatemala.

To achieve the objective, the following activities were implemented:


A1. Two General Assemblies and establishment of legal status. (2016)

In order to establish consensus and agreements on the importance of the legal constitution, board of directors, and inclusion of young people in the AMA Association, two general assemblies were held, with the participation of youth volunteers who are part of the Association, which at that time was called a youth group without legal status.

The Assemblies resulted in the establishment of the legal status of the AMA Association, in order to seek autonomy, have greater access to sources of funding and comply with the laws and regulations established by the Government of Guatemala. Likewise, the importance of the inclusion of some young people within the organizational structure as strategic allies.

Therefore, the AMA Association, was legally constituted in May 2016, within the framework of this project.


A2. Two Citizen Cafés. (2016)

As part of the follow-up to the fulfillment of the commitments made by the 2016-2020 elected municipal corporation of Poptún, Petén, during the I Forum "+ Facts - Promises 2015" with mayoral candidates, two Café Ciudadanos activities were held.

The purpose of this activity was to verify that the commitments made by the current mayor and his municipal corporation during the Forum have been included in the 2016 municipal development agenda.

During the Café Ciudadanos activities, the importance of providing a greater percentage of the municipal budget for the Municipal Women's Office and the interest in establishing it as a Municipal Directorate and the Municipal Youth Office was defined with the stakeholders, which strengthened the request of women's and civil society organizations, who for years have been negotiating this request.

Among the agreements and commitments, it was established that the municipal council would seek the mechanisms and budget to establish the Municipal Directorate for Women, provide more resources to the Municipal Youth Office and create the Municipal Office for the Attention of Persons with Disabilities.


Cambalache de Buenas (2016) (Exchange of Good Practices)

In order to exchange good practices between adolescent girls and young Maya Q'eqchí and Mestiza volunteer leaders of the AMA Association and the ALAS organization of Cobán, Alta Verapaz, an activity called "Cambalache de Buenas" (Exchange of Good Practices) was carried out.

This activity was developed during the first phase of the project in 2016 and allowed to strengthen the leadership skills of the Maya Q'eqchí and Mestiza volunteer leaders of the AMA Association and to innovate in the actions they carry out according to their context.


A4. 4 Meetings of the Technical Committee "Prevent with Education" of the district of Southeast Petén. (2017)

To respond in a multisectoral way to the high rate of pregnancy and sexual violence in girls and adolescents was something that AMA Association was looking for, so during the second phase of this project implemented during the year 2017, political advocacy was carried out through which it was possible to form and establish the Technical Committee "Prevent with Education" District of the South East of Petén.

This technical committee was integrated by the Municipal Coordinators and Pedagogical Advisors of the School Districts of the municipalities of San Luis, Poptún, Dolores, El Chal and Santa Ana, Petén and the Director of the South East Petén Health Area, Coordinator of the National Sexual and Reproductive Health Program, Coordinator of the Adolescent Component of the South East Petén Health Area, Coordinator of the HIV/AIDS program of the South East Petén Health Area and the directors and social workers of the Health Districts of the municipalities of San Luis, Poptún, Dolores, El Chal and Santa Ana, Petén.

During 2017, the first Strategic Plan was established which focused on increasing the capacities of the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Health collaborators on their knowledge of the 2016-2020 Charter-Agreement and the responsibilities it entails for both Ministries.

Importance of the inclusion of Comprehensive Sexuality Education in the primary education system of Southern Petén, strengthening of Adolescent Friendly Spaces and strengthening of citizen participation of adolescents and youth.


A5. Two environmental education youth camps.

In the second phase of the project, two youth environmental education camps were held with the participation of 40 Maya Q'eqchí and Mestizo youth leaders and AMA volunteers from the communities and marginal urban areas of the municipalities of San Luis, Poptún, Dolores, El Chal and Sayaxché, Petén.

Through the camps, the participants strengthened their leadership skills and knowledge about the importance of natural resource conservation, taking into account that the department of Petén contains the largest percentage of Guatemala's forests, fauna and water resources, which is why it is necessary to encourage the youth of Petén to live in harmony with our resources and fauna, especially wildlife.

During the camps, the young people learned about the importance of recycling, they also put into practice recycling activities and handicrafts, they also learned about the importance of protected areas, conservation and climate change, which allowed them to learn more about the fundamental role they play as youth leaders in their communities to counteract the effects of climate change.

In order to move from ideas to action, a reforestation called "Sowing our future" was carried out during the second camp, in which AMA youth volunteers planted 1,100 Pinus Caribea trees.

The young people also put into practice the knowledge learned during the camps through the field replicas they carried out in their communities of origin, where they shared their knowledge with 400 adolescents and young people, as each camp was carried out with 10 adolescents and young people, taking into account their customs and traditions and in their native Maya Q'eqchí language in the case of the indigenous people.

  • Established the legal status of the AMA Association, which allows it to consolidate as a legally based organization that promotes the human rights of girls, adolescents, women and youth in the department of Petén. Autonomy and obtaining more economic resources to respond to 42,000 girls, adolescents, women and Maya Q'eqchi and Mestizo youth in the department of Peten, Guatemala.
  • Conformation and establishment of the Technical Committee "Prevent with Education" of the district of southern Petén, which allowed 40,000 Maya Q'eqchí and Mestizo adolescent girls and young people from the municipalities of southern Petén to benefit from the actions of the Committee.
  • 440 Maya Q'eqchí and Mestizo adolescents and youth implement natural resource conservation actions in communities and marginal urban areas in the municipalities of San Luis, Poptún, Dolores, El Chal and Sayaxché, Petén.

AMA Associacion in 2016 was established as a legally constituted organization, which allowed it to directly receive grant funds.

Since 2017, Southern Petén has begun to provide a multisectoral response to the high rate of pregnancy and sexual violence in girls and adolescents.

The donor who funded this project

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